Submission procedures
Submission |
- The research sent on the approved template for research on the journal's website.
- Attach the researcher's CV.
- Submit electronically on the magazine's website or e-mail:
Peer review process:
Peer Review:
The submitted manuscripts are carefully peer-reviewed by a panel of scholars in the subspecialties of a field to ensure that the manuscripts are original, valid, and significant. Before sending the manuscripts to the reviewers, the editor makes sure that these manuscripts contribute significantly to the content area of the journal, follow JSD’s guidelines and they are well-written (clear & concise).
JSD adopts a double blind/ masked review. The identities of both authors and reviewers are not revealed to one another.
Manuscript acceptance, rejection or acceptance with revision:
The editor decides whether the manuscript is accepted, rejected or needs to be revised based on the reviewers’ reports.
Manuscript acceptance: Accepted manuscripts will undergo copy-editing and production phases of publication process. The authors will not be allowed to make further changes to the manuscript except for those recommended by the copyeditors. The authors remain responsible for the completion of any amendments required by the journal.
Manuscript Rejection: A manuscript is rejected if it falls outside the domain of the journal, has serious defects in design, methodology, analysis or interpretations, lack of contribution to the field, or has a low-quality.
To enable the Publisher to protect the copyright of the journal, the corresponding author must include the following declaration:
- The paper is my original contribution and has not been plagiarized from any source/individual. It does not infringe on any copyright, trademark, patent, statutory right, or propriety right of others and the paper does not contain any libelous or unlawful statements. All the references are duly acknowledged at the appropriate places and I sign for and accept the responsibility for releasing this material on behalf of my co-authors.
- The work has been submitted only to Journal of Scientific Development for Studies and Research (JSD) and it has not been previously published or submitted elsewhere for publication in a refereed or copyrighted publication.
- It is agreed that the sole and exclusive rights in the whole copyright of the said paper to the contribution identified above is transferred to Journal of Scientific Development for Studies and Research (JSD). This copyright transfer covers the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the contribution, including reprints, translations, photographic reproductions, microform, electronic form (offline, online), or any other reproductions of similar nature. I agree that I have not assigned any kind of rights of the above said paper to any other person/institute/publication.
- I have permission from copyright owner(s) to reproduce/adapt any content that I have reproduced or adapted in this paper.
- I agree to indemnify Journal of Scientific Development for Studies and Research (JSD) against any claim or action alleging facts which, if true, constitute a breach of any of the foregoing warranties.
Publication conditions |
1- The research must be an original scientific addition, in the theoretical or applied aspect, within one of the publishing fields approved in the journal.
2- That it has not been previously published or sent for publication to another party.
3- The researcher is committed to scientific integrity in editing an article and respecting intellectual property rights.
4- The article must be edited according to a correct scientific methodology without defamation, abuse, or discrimination, and with respect for the ideas discussed in the text of the article.
5- The research should not exceed (10,000) words.
6- When writing the research, care must be taken not to explicitly mention the name of the researcher or researchers in the text of the research, and the word (researcher or researchers) is used instead of the name, whether in the text or in the list of references.
7- The integrity of the research language and the integrity of the translation from other languages.
8- The title of the research, with the name of the researcher/researchers (preferably no more than two), the institutions of affiliation, and the country, translated into Arabic.
9- The research must contain two summaries, one in Arabic and the other in English. The number of words in one abstract must not exceed 250 and not less than 150 words. The abstract is presented in short, specific sentences that show the purpose, method, results, and conclusion. with keywords (5-7) words.
10- The research introduction includes: the research problem and its questions, the importance of the research, the research objectives, and the research conclusion includes: the results and recommendations.
11- Respect the journal format, so that the research is not rejected for not meeting its requirements.
12- The font type in the text for research in the Arabic language is (Sakkal Majalla) with a size of (16) for the titles (Bold), and use a gradient in the font size for the titles to 15 to 14 (Bold) and for the text with a size of (14).
13- - The research is sent as a Microsoft Word file (Microsoft Word, doc, docs) that is not locked or password protected.
14- The page size should be A4, and the page margins should be 2.5 on all sides.
15- Page numbering is centered at the bottom of the page.
16- Numbers in the footnote or text between ( ) and make them above the line level using (x2) from Word tools.
Publication rules:
- Adherence to the formal and substantive conditions is not accepted in the journal, and is not transferred to the scientific committee for arbitration.
- Sending the researcher's CV.
- Quoting from research published in the journal, and using (doi) for the research.
- - Writing bibliographic references according to the APA system, seventh edition (font: Sakkal Majalla, size 12, spacing 1.0).
All the best for your submission
Editorial Team
Journal of Scientific Development for Studies and Research (JSD)