Publication ethics


The JSD complies with the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to promote the integrity of its published articles. The JSD considers the following topics during the publishing process.

Originality & Source Acknowledgement: The JSD scans all submitted manuscripts before the peer reviewing process using Turnitin®. The JSD is zero-tolerant to plagiarism, self-plagiarism, copyright infringement, dual publication, text recycling and salami slicing. When any of these is identified after publishing, an announcement of retraction of the published material is highlighted in the journal's website. The authors are asked for providing appropriate references for published/unpublished cited texts. The corresponding author should confirm that the submission has not been previously published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

Research Misconduct: The JSD editorial team struggles to counter any possibility for data fabrication, manipulation and falsification. In case of suspected misconduct, the JSD editors act in accordance to the COPE guidelines with this respect.

Conflicts of interest: Authors should disclose potential conflicts of interest and indicate financial agreements or affiliations with any product or services used in the manuscript (as well as any potential bias against another product or service).